Import the project on the Eclipse IDE and run it. Sample UI Github repository at - If you know any open source spring boot angular projects that are useful for others then provide links in a comment section. Import sql files to create tables in mysql. An online book store is a single page (SPA) web application built from scratch using Angular 8 and Java spring boot with MySQL database. Some screenshots are given below: How to run this project To get detail explanation about project download the document file. A library management software where admin can add/view/delete librarian and librarian can add/view books, issue, view issued books and. Online Book Store Project is a Web Based Online e-book Shopping Project. It may be Eclipse /Myeclipse / Netbeans etc. Online book store project in java with source code Step by step configuration Codebun 13. Download this project (developed using Eclipse IDE)ĭownload Snapshot (how project works) Download document file with snapshots (How project works?)Ī library management software where admin can add/view/delete librarian and librarian can add/view books, issue, view issued books and return books.